Calvary Stories
Our campus in Anderson, SC sees stories unfold every day. We’re proud share these stories with you so that you can get a glimpse
into the ways we see our mission play out in the lives of children.
Names and minor details of these stories are changed to protect the children's identity.
Dancing for Foster Care!
While we’re fundraising for Dancing for our Heroes, we wanted to take a moment to properly introduce our dancers: Bri and Nick DiCicco. We asked Bri to walk us through why they decided to become foster parents, which is what started them on the path to move onto our campus.
Community in Adversity
Despite the devastation that Helene brought, we're seeing a lot of beauty in the unity she left behind.
Why Community Matters
The Calvary Home community is special, but did you know why community is so important?
Six Months at Calvary
Bre reflects on her transition into ministry and her time at Calvary so far
Healing Families Through Foster Care
We’re overjoyed to say that two of our boys went home to be with the stable, healthy, loving Dad they’ve been missing for the last 3 years.
We’ll Always Be There
When our kids face difficult times, we make sure they are setup to succeed no matter where they are. In some cases, that means fighting for them to come back to us.
Unforeseen Blessings
When volunteers reached out about helping with the Luminary Gala, our staff didn’t know how much of a blessing they would be.
A Fond Farewell To Summer
Summer at Calvary Home is always packed with lots of fun activities and opportunities. Here are the highlights from Summer 2021!
Jake And The Giant Pinecone
Although both boys have experienced fresh pineapple at Calvary Home before, neither one had ever seen one before it was cut.
The Little Things
Foster parents are not heroes. They are everyday people being faithful to do little things to care for vulnerable children day in, and day out.
Preparing Them For Life
As we have mentioned before on the blog, helping foster youth obtain valuable life skills is a major factor in preparing them to successfully navigate the world beyond foster care. At Calvary Home, these skills are taught formally and informally.
Friday Night Lights
As I settled into the stands before the game, more and more people I knew came up to sit with me. They were all there to support Kendrick. His foster dad, his mentor, his youth pastor, families from church, his mom, his sister, and other friends from the community he has built at Calvary Home gave up their Friday night plans to support him from the stands.
Back To School Makeover
But Jessica realized she wanted to put her best foot forward in the new school year.
Conquering Fears: In Life And On The Lake
Havana chose to trust her life jacket and the adults she was with. She got out off the dock.
Fabulous Friday Fun Day
Before she knew it, each cottage on campus was providing a different station and "Fabulous Friday Fun Day" was born.
The Mother of all Invention
One Saturday evening, the Webbs set up an outdoor movie in the back yard.
The Epic Rescue of A Runaway Crawdad
Well this past week, foster parent Jim was walking through the cottage and noticed that Mr. Crabs had escaped the aquarium!
The Power of Positive Connection
Every weekend at Calvary Home for Children, our foster parents and children load up and attend church as a family unit. This past weekend was no different except that this weekend, a major connection occurred with one of our foster dads and a child in his home.
Beat The Clock
Middle schooler Nickie, a recent addition to the Calvary Home family, was struggling to get out the door on time.