Community in Adversity

Helene was not something any of us were expecting here in the Upstate… we were caught off guard by the severity of her winds and the breadth of her damage… but we were surprised by the sense of unity that would be brought out in our little Anderson community and the campus we call ‘home’.

Our families and our staff have counted ourselves so lucky that no one was hurt and no homes were lost in the storm – we know so many who have lost more than they thought possible. We’re so thankful that God’s hand was over our campus and protected our homes from the myriad of trees and limbs that fell during the storm.

Since Friday morning, what we’ve seen at Calvary Home has been nothing short of glorious. Despite the loss and the sadness surrounding us and the loss of power (and for many water), our community feels more united than ever.

Our campus group chat constantly abuzz with updates about down trees, group cookout plans, where to find ice, and who can share what. Our foster families and our staff have banded together to make everyone feel safe and provided for - whether that’s sharing cups of milk for bottles, sharing head lamps, or tag-teaming child care for the long days without school or electronics.

Additionally, our community has stepped up to support our foster families in big, big ways. Churches are delivering food to all five of our families, donors are lending out generators for our homes, and local restaurants are providing entire meals for 30+ people on our campus. It’s truly been so encouraging to see the Kingdom on Earth as we imagine it in heaven - people selflessly caring for those who need it the most.

Thank you to everyone who has stepped up to support our children and our families during this challenging time – you have been an incredible blessing. We’re still praying for everyone in our community who has been affected by Helene – we know many of you have lost everything.


Waiting expectedly for the Lord


Here We Grow Again